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Say goodbye to sprawling docker commands and say hello to $ docker-compose up :)
The Logfile Navigator is a log file viewer for the terminal. Given a set of files/directories, lnav will:
decompress as needed;
detect their format;
merge the files together by time into a single view;
tail the files, follow renames, find new files in directories;
build an index of errors and warnings;
pretty-print JSON-lines.
A tool to test for DNS leaks, DNSSEC validation, and more
A poor man's data retention policy for dendrite servers. enables you to boot into many types of operating systems using lightweight tooling
Schleuder is a group's email-gateway: subscribers can exchange OpenPGP-encrypted emails among themselves, receive emails from non-subscribers and send emails to non-subscribers via the list.
Pick and choose your Jabber server from a list of compatible servers or check if your current server supports all required features.